Carbon Checker Features
BuildDesk Carbon Checker is tried and trusted user friendly software established in the market since 2006 with dedicated support and training. Carbon Checker is packed with features designed to make producing SBEM Building Regulation calculations and Level 3 & 4 EPCs faster and easier.
- No need to continue using iSBEM – Carbon Checker is a fully integrated interface to SBEM and does not require iSBEM. However, anyone trained on iSBEM will find it easy to convert to Carbon Checker and increase productivity. We offer one day software conversion training.
- Dimensions can be drawn directly into Carbon Checker from site surveys. Ideal for existing buildings because it provides a visual 2D & 3D interpretation of the building. It also acts as a visual check on the original survey.
- Automatic calculation of areas and adjacency of zones, reducing this tedious and time consuming aspect of iSBEM and the potential for human error. The record keeping for the audit trail is also reduced.
- Simple automatic 2D & 3D visualisation of the building provides graphical feedback of building geometry for ease of checking, monitoring and quality assurance.
- Attributes for zones can be easily copied to other zones. For example, if you want to change the lighting specification in some zones, you can change it in one zone and then copy that specification to other zones.
- You can safely and rapidly add duplicate floor levels in multi-storey buildings and make changes to any of the floor levels.
- CAD tracing – where DXF or DWG drawings for a building are available they can be imported into Carbon Checker. The drawings can then be traced freehand or by using intelligent snapping. Tracing speeds up geometry input and reduces the likelihood of dimensional errors from the omission or duplication of areas or zones.
- It’s easy to locate anomalies, make local adjustments or revisions to the building. When selected, the elements and zones are highlighted and displayed in context in the 2D view of the building.
- The Project wizard helps to lead users step by step thorough the input of their building.
A traffic light indicator system highlights whether each subset of information is complete or requires additional information before continuing.
- The visual comparison of SBEM outputs of alternative designs helps the user develop an understanding of the SBEM calculation process.